My Sincerest Apology

Over the years I have met many souls who have quit church. Their reasons for doing so are varied, but a common theme is that in some way they have been hurt by the people at church. It very well may be that you are one of those who have been burned in such a…

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If Any Man Will Do His Will

In John 7, Jesus stood in the Temple teaching those that were there. Jews began questioning how He could teach since He had not been formally trained as a Rabbi. Jesus’ first words of response are important to us today. First, He asserts that His teachings weren’t His own, but that they had come from…

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Will You Also Go Away?

Jesus’ teachings in John 6 were shocking, especially for those who did not understand what He was saying. When we are faced with ideas that do not fit neatly into our current understanding it is often easiest to simply dismiss them out of hand and go on thinking as we always have. This is exactly…

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Doing What the Father Does

When my oldest son was just over a year old, Rodney Adkins released a song entitled “Watching You.” The little boy in the song says to his father, “I’ve been watching you, dad, ain’t that cool? I’m your buckaroo, I wanna be like you… Yeah, we’re just alike, hey, ain’t we dad? I wanna do…

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There’s A Great Day Coming

In John 5:24-29 Jesus speaks of two resurrections; one that began with His teaching, and one that is still in the future. The first one is the spiritual resurrection of those who hear the words of Christ and believe (v. 24-25). Because of sin we are all spiritually dead without Christ, but if we hear…

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The Bread of Life

In John 6 Jesus fed the multitudes with a few loaves and fish, but then encouraged them to seek sustenance with eternal value. He declared that God had sent bread from Heaven, which would satisfy hunger and third eternally (v. 32-35). Jesus was that bread. His audience was still thinking of physical things when He…

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Working The Works of God

There is often a great deal of confusion about the relationship between faith and works. Some people contend that a person must perform enough good works to outweigh the evil that they have done. Others, in reaction to this, will contend that no works at all are necessary for salvation, but all that is required…

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Why Are You Seeking Him?

After Jesus fed the multitude He went with His disciples to the other side of the Sea of Galilee during the night. The following day the crowds returned to the place where He had been, and upon discovering that He was gone, many of them climbed into boats and followed Him to the other side.…

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He Knows What He Will Do

The opening verses of John 6 provide an account of Jesus feeding 5,000 with two fish and five loaves. Jesus prepares to work this miracle by asking one of his disciples, “Where shall we buy bread…?” (v. 5). Philip’s response is rather reasonable. He points out that buying a catered meal for 5,000 people at…

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A True Witness

Throughout history, many religious teachers have appeared claiming to carry a message from God or a god. The reliability of their source and of their record has usually been difficult to verify at best. They emerge from a secret meeting with an angel in a cave or in the forest with no witnesses, and declare…

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